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1. What is Homerr?

1.1 What is Homerr?

Homerr is an independent social pick-up and drop-off network of neighbours and local small businesses where you can hand in your parcel or have it delivered directly. Currently, Homerr operates in the Netherlands and Belgium.

A SocialPoint is an individual who is at home a lot and makes themselves available via our platform to accept parcels for their neighbours, so you don’t have to stay home!

A ServicePoint is a local small business that can process your parcels for you. This could be a bakery, petrol station or supermarket in your neighbourhood.

1.2 How can I reach Homerr as a HomerrPoint?

You can reach us via the phone number in the app, the feedback feature in the app or send an email to hallo@homerr.com. We are available Monday through Friday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm.

2. When and how can I become a Homerr?

2.1 What are the requirements for becoming a HomerrPoint?

First of all, a new Homerr must be at least 18 years old and liveon the ground floor (it is not possible to become a Homerr in a block of flats). You must also meet our conditions regarding opening hours based on your role as a SocialPoint or ServicePoint.

The distance to the closest

HomerrPoint and and the amount of space in the building will be taken into account,

as will the number of parcels processed in your area. It is not our intention that HomerrPoints compete with each other for parcels. Sustainability is a very important factor for us. We will only connect you if it has a positive effect on CO2 savings.


We ask that our SocialPoints are open at least 5 days a week and for at least 4 consecutive hours per day. The busiest hours at SocialPoints are between 5 pm and 6 pm, so your opening hours must include this period. One working day can be exchanged for 4 consecutive hours on a Saturday. In that case, you don’t need to guarantee your availability between 5 pm and 6 pm.


We require our ServicePoints to be open at least 5 days a week and for at least 8 consecutive hours per day.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not possible to change your courier hours. Our couriers have a fixed route and drive it as efficiently as they can. It is possible, however, to make arrangements with your courier personally.

2.2 How do I register as a Homerr SocialPoint or Homerr ServicePoint?

Signing up is easy. Go to the website www.homerr.com/contact and fill out the contact form. We will process your application and contact you within 14 days to see if your location meets our requirements as a new HomerrPoint. 

PLEASE NOTE: If your location meets the requirements, you will attend a 30-minute online training session with one of our Onboarding Agents. You cannot become a Homerr without completing this training. During this training we will discuss how the app works, how to manage everything within the app, when you will receive the necessary materials and when you will get started.

PLEASE NOTE: After you have started, we expect you to stay in our network for a minimum of 3 months in order to experience the whole process and all aspects of being a Homerr.

2.3 When will I be visible on the map?

After the online training is finished, new Homerrs start the following week on Friday. From that time, you’re visible on the map.

3. How does the Homerr application work?

3.1 Creating an account

You can create an account using the Homerr app. First, download the app from the Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS). When you open the app, click on the option ‘I do not have an account yet’. Then fill in all the details. Under ‘Verification’, you must add one picture of your ID and one picture of where the parcels will be placed. Your account is successfully created when you see the ‘Courier & Customer’ page. 

NOTE: Don't forget to fill in your bank information! At the bottom of the app you have the 'account' button. Here you can enter and save your bank information under 'edit' at the top right. This is important because of course you want to be reimbursed for the packages you have processed.

3.2 When should I scan something?

With Homerr, it’s all quite simple. The app first distinguishes between customer and courier and then between delivery and collection. The following steps are also explained in the videos on https://www.homerr.com/trainingen

Customer drop-off

Step 1: In the Homerr app, click on "customer" and then "come to bring. Scan the QR code or the code on the customer's return form.
Step 2: Stick a Homerr QR code sticker on the package and scan it as well. And give the shipping receipt with the corresponding code to the customer.
Step 3: On the first package, you get a notification that a bag code has not yet been scanned. Scan a tie-wrap and keep it with the bag. If a bag is already registered, indicate if the package fits in it. Click on to 'Whoohoo', the customer will receive a track & trace via email. 

When the bag is full, indicate this in the app (while scanning a parcel), scan a new tie-wrap and put the parcel in a new bag. It’s simple!

Customer pick-up

Step 1: Ask for the pickup code from the customer and scan it at 'customer' and then 'comes to pick up'. If the customer does not have a pickup code, you can also find the package in your orders by the customer's name. Then click on 'scan this package out for the customer' at the bottom of the screen. Note: In this case it is still mandatory to ask for ID proof from the addressee for verification.
Step 2: Locate the package, scan the QR code sticker.
Step 3: Click further until the 'Whoohoo!' screen appears. 

IMPORTANT: In order to avoid confusion and theft, customers are not allowed to search for or take their own parcels.

Courier drop-off

Step 1: Unpack the bag when the courier comes to deliver it, you do not need to scan this bag yourself.
Step 2: Open the app and click on 'courier' and then 'comes to deliver'. Scan all packages individually. You can scan them sequentially, a counter will appear at the bottom of the screen showing the total number of packages that our system says are in the bag.
Step 3: Click continue until the "Whoohoo!" screen appears. If you do not have all of the packets in the bag according to our system, you must report them absent before you can click through to the 'Whoohoo!' screen. Should you find a package later you can still scan it as normal via 'courier comes to deliver'.

Courier pick-up

Step 1: Close the bag firmly with the appropriate tie-wrap. In the Homerr app, click on ‘Courier’ and then ‘Picking up’.
Step 2: Scan the bag with the corresponding tie-wrap. Do not do this until the courier arrives.
Step 3: Write down the name of the courier and have them sign in the Homerr app. Click on ‘Continue’.

3.3 Codes from Vinted


When a customer sends a package from Vinted to France, the customer must print out the label himself and stick it on the package. This label is needed by our logistics partner of Vinted in France. Vinted also informs their customers about this, but it is good to pay attention to this. Just look for the QR code with the Homerr logo and scan it. A Homerr QR code sticker should never be scanned and placed on the package. Next, scan the large VintedGo QR code on the center of the label.

3.4 I have a red symbol in my app, now what?

We give our customers a total of 14 days to pick up their package from you. If they do not do so within this period, return the package. A red clock will automatically appear next to the package. If a package is misdelivered you will see a red box. In either case, follow the steps below.

Step 1:
A red symbol will automatically appear under 'orders'. Click on ''orders''. You will find this button at the bottom left of your screen.

Step 2:
Go to 'for the customer'. Click on the red symbol next to the package code and indicate that you want to return it.

Step 3:
Scan the QR code on the package. Put the package in the bag if a bag is still open or open a new one and scan a new tie-wrap. Always continue until you see the "Whoohoo" screen!

Please note that only if the above instructions are carried out correctly will you receive the reimbursement.

If you have any questions about this, please watch the videos at:https://www.homerr.com/trainingen

3.5 The customer refuses the parcel. What do I do?

You scan the QR code of the package at 'customer' and 'come pick up' and indicate at the top of the screen that the customer refuses the package. The package ends up with a red symbol in your 'orders'. You return the package in the same way as described in 3.4.

Note that the package will now show up under the seller's name in the app and no longer under the buyer's name.

3.6 How do I adjust my opening hours?

Adjusting your opening hours is very easy. At the bottom of your screen press 'Account'. Click on the top option 'Opening hours'. Here you can adjust your times.‍

Note: After you change your opening hours, they must first be approved by us. So your opening hours have not changed automatically. This means that they must still meet the requirements as described in point 2.1.

3.7 I am going on holiday.

You must submit your vacation through our app. At the bottom of your screen press 'Account'. Click on the second option 'Holidays'. Here you can enter your vacations. Remember to click 'Save' when you have entered your dates.

IMPORTANT: If you are going to be absent for one day, you have to enter this in the app at least 7 days in advance. If you are going on holiday for two or more days, you need to enter this in the app at least one month in advance. This way we can arrange everything in time with your courier, and your customers will also know that you are absent.

PLEASE NOTE:It is only possible to enter one holiday at a time in our app. If there is a time when you have two separate free periods, enter the first free period and enter the next absence after this period.

3.7.1 Visibility on the map

If you are absent for a short period of time (1 to 3 days), you will not be visible on the map on our website for a number of days. However, customers will still be able to select you on the map in online shops.

With an absence longer than 4 calendar days, your HomerrPunt will disappear from the card at the webshops 14 days in advance until the end of your absence. This prevents packages for consumers from being left unnecessarily long.

3.8 I am unable to scan the QR code/tie-wrap, now what?

First, check if you did not already do it by mistake. Check whether you are scanning on the right screen! If you scan the QR code from another screen, you will get an error message and the app will indicate that it does not recognise the code.  

Scanning fails? There is still the option of entering the QR code manually. Should this also not work, you may not accept the package in that case. 

If you are unable to scan out the tie-wrap by the time the courier gets to you, contact customer service.

3.9 I get an error message and I don’t know what to do.

If you receive an error message, please close the app completely and restart it. If you get the same error message again, take a screenshot of it and send it to hallo@homerr.com, so that customer service can assist you more effectively.

If you see the error message ‘This parcel is intended for another time’, then the parcel has not been scanned properly yet. Scan the parcel first via ‘Courier’. Then you can scan it in the right way.

4. I am a Homerr

4.1 I am unexpectedly unable to be at home.

It can always happen that something unexpected happens which makes it impossible for you to be home. Please inform us of this via hallo@homerr.com, so that we are aware of this. Always put a note on the door to let us know you will not be there. It is important that you do this to prevent complaints!

4.2 When will the parcels be delivered and picked up?

Read more at point 2.1.


We ask that our SocialPoints are open at least 5 days a week and for at least 4 consecutive hours per day. The busiest hours at SocialPoints are between 5 pm and 6 pm, so your opening hours must include this period. One working day can be exchanged for 4 consecutive hours on a Saturday. In that case, you don’t need to guarantee your availability between 5 pm and 6 pm.


We require our ServicePoints to be open at least 5 days a week and for at least 8 consecutive hours per day.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not possible to change your courier hours. Our couriers have a fixed route and drive it as efficiently as they can. It is possible, however, to make arrangements with your courier personally.

4.3 When and how do I get paid?


You will receive an invoice from us around the 7th of each month, with an overview of all packages processed the previous month. This overview shows exactly how many packages you have processed and what the fee is. The fee is paid around the 17th of each month to the account number you provided. If you want to change your account number you can do this in the app by clicking on 'account' at the bottom of the screen. Then click on 'change' at the top right of the screen and under the second heading 'bank details' you can change your account number, don't forget to click on 'save'.

For the payment, a distinction is made between ServicePoints and SocialPoints.

Service Points receive the outstanding amount automatically every month.

SocialPoints must:

  • Every month, they tell themselves if they want to be paid out.
  • Have accumulated a minimum of €25.
  • Click on"Deposit" under "Finance. Click this no later than the 4th of the month to receive the amount on the 17th of the same month. The moment you click deposit, the balance disappears from the app.

If you do not indicate this, you’ll automatically accumulate your fees, and the outstanding amount is carried over to the following month.  

4.4 How big and/or heavy can the parcels be?

The maximum dimensions are (L)85cm x (W)35cm x (H)35cm. Parcels exceeding these dimensions should not be accepted, because we cannot process them. If an oversized parcel was accepted anyway, the courier will not take it.
If the parcel fits in our Homerr bag, you may accept it. Otherwise, you should not. The online shops we cooperate with have been informed about this.

The maximum weight of a parcel is 10 kg.

4.5 How do I get new tie-wraps, QR code stickers and bags?

Once a month, you will receive a request in the Homerr application to enter your inventory of Homerr materials. The application then looks at the scans you perform and then adjusts the stock you have submitted accordingly. When we see that you need new Homerr materials, we automatically send a package to you. This is why it is important to always enter your stock correctly. Should you run low on materials, we kindly ask you to email us at hallo@homerr.com or let us know via the 'Feedback' function in the Homerr app.

4.6 I can’t handle the number of parcels I’m receiving, what now?

Should you be inundated with packages and get tangled up as a result, in that case, contact us by phone or email. We will work with you to find a solution!

4.7 When should I scan out the bags for the courier?

Scan out the bag(s) when the courier is physically present. Make sure you don't do this before, otherwise it will look like the bag has already been picked up. If a bag is not scanned, it cannot be counted towards your fee, so don’t forget to do this!

ATTENTION: Always scan the bags yourself first before the courier scans anything!

4.8 I want to stop being a HomerrPoint

When you start being a HomerrPoint, we expect you to stay connected to our network for at least 3 months. If you decide to stop being a HomerrPoint, please notify us via hallo@homerr.com. Please keep in mind that there is a one-month notice period. When we receive your request to stop, we will contact you by phone to confirm and process your unsubscription.

4.9 I am moving. What do I do?

Please let us know at least one month in advance. Send an email to hallo@homerr.com. We will immediately check whether you can start at your new location. However, please note that there is a possibility that we cannot connect you at your new location for sustainability reasons.

4.10. The courier did not come, or they came outside the agreed times.

If the courier has not come by, please send an email to hallo@homerr.com. We will make a note of this and make sure the courier will come the next time.

4.11 There are parcels in my ‘Orders’ which I never received, or which have already been collected. What do I do?

If there are red symbols behind packages that have not been at your location for 14 days or packages in your "orders" that you have not received, please report this to hallo@homerr.com. Please indicate which packages are involved (starting with 0062) and what is wrong with the package.

4.12 Am I insured if Homerr parcels are stolen/damaged?

If parcels are taken by theft, you will not be held liable. This has to be demonstrable. Is it a case of negligence? Then Homerr will not be liable. If the parcels have been damaged in transport and the customer refuses them, you can indicate this under ‘Customer’ and ‘Picking up’. See 3.5. Please refer the customer to our customer service.

4.13 The courier did not take a bag. Why is that?

All bags must be reported by 8 pm. Did you register a new bag after 8 pm and is the courier coming the next day? Then the bag will not be collected. It will be picked up on the next collection day. Was the bag registered on time, but not picked up by the courier? We will arrange a new collection request for the next collection day. You do not need to contact us about this. However, it is important that the tie-wrap is registered correctly, or the bag will not be known in our system and will not be collected. Did you find that the tie-wrap was not registered correctly? Report this to us via hallo@homerr.com and give us the tiewrap code (starting with 0072)

4.14 Manual

This FAQ is full of information, which is incredibly helpful. However, it's even more convenient if you can download a manual that explains all the steps there are within the Homerr application. Also with pictures. That way it is nice and clear. View and download the manual below!

Homerr manual

5.1. As of when does the loyalty program point counting start?

As of Oct. 23, the point count started and all Homerrs can join in the savings.

5.2. What is the name of the loyalty program?

The loyalty program is called "Homies Savings Program."

5.3. What are the names of the points I can earn?

The points you can earn are called "Homies."

5.4. In what languages is the loyalty program available?

The loyalty program is available in Dutch and French.

5.5. What is the response time for questions about the loyalty program?

Inquiries about the loyalty program are usually responded to within 24-48 hours.

5.6. Are there any costs associated with participating in the Loyalty Program?

No, there is no cost to participate. If you are a HomerrPoint, you automatically earn points and can redeem them for gift certificates, for example.

5.7. Can I use my point balance to discount shipping costs? Answer: No, this is not possible at this time.

No, that is not possible at this time. However, you can redeem your points for other fun rewards.

5.8. How can I earn points with the Homerr Loyalty Program?

The number of points you earn per activity varies. In the overview of "Transactions" in the Homies savings program, you can see how many points you receive for each activity.

5.9. How can I use my earned points?

Look in the Homerr app under the "account" heading. There you can see exactly how many points you have saved. Under 'redeem homies' you can see what you can spend your points on.

5.10. What rewards can I get with my points?

You can redeem your points for a reward. For example, a voucher from cadeaubon.nl that can be redeemed at various stores such as Hema, Bol.com, Bijenkorf, Coolblue, Douglas, Gamma, Decathlon, VT Wonen, fonQ.nl, Fletcher Hotels, and Wehkamp. The values of the gift certificates vary.

5.11. How long are my points valid?

Points remain valid and are redeemable as long as you are active as a HomerrPoint.

5.12. Will new badges/points/gift cards be added?

These are added regularly. So keep an eye on the Homerr app!

5.13. When will I receive my voucher?

Shortly after applying, you will receive it in the mailbox of the email you specified in your Homerr app account. If you have not received it please contact us via email.

5.14. How can I check my point balance?

Open the Homerr app, click on "Homies Savings Program" and then "Transactions" to check your point balance.

5.15. How often is my point balance updated?

Your point balance is updated every 24 hours.

5.16. Is it possible to transfer my points to someone else?

No, the savings program is linked to the Homerr account. The points are not transferable.

5.17. My points have not been credited after a completed activity. What should I do?

Your points are generally updated every 24 hours. If it has not changed after 48 hours, please contact us via email.

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1. General

1.1 What is Homerr?

Homerr is a social network consisting of SocialPoints and ServicePoints in your neighbourhood that you can use to have shipments sent to or to drop off your parcels at.
A SocialPoint is an individual who is often busy in and around the house and who makes himself available via our platform to accept parcels, so that you do not have to be at home.
A Service Point is a local entrepreneur with a store who also makes himself available via our platform for parcel shipping.

1.2 How do I find a HomerrPoint near me?

You can find the most up-to-date overview of our network here.

Not in the area yet?
Homerr is the fastest growing sustainable logistics network in the Benelux. We are working on optimal coverage. It may be that we are not yet in your area. Let us know and help build the most sustainable network.

1.3 How do I know if I can trust a HomerrPoint?

Homerr is a social platform consisting of people who want to help their neighbourhood. Before we accept someone as a Homerr, we have an intake interview with them and have them go through extensive training.

Reliability and safety are important to our logistic network. We monitor compliance with all agreements and we’re in touch with our network on a daily basis to improve our service. If you encounter any issues, please fill in the contactformulier on the website.

1.4 How long does shipping with Homerr take?

Homerr is a sustainable and socially based network. We believe that parcel delivery can be done smarter and more sustainably. That is why we make use of existing shipping journeys and the unused capacity of carriers. This saves up to 79% in CO2 emissions and takes a lot of traffic off the road. Next-day delivery is a huge burden on the environment, and it’s often unnecessary.

At Homerr, the average delivery time is 3 to 5 business days, this depends on whether you are, for example, just returning or shipping from HomerrPoint to HomerrPoint. The couriers now visit our HomerrPoints several times a week to pick up and deliver packages. To save CO2, we do not do this every day by default. Also, our distribution center is not open at night. Packages are processed there 6 days a week.

1.5 How can I track my order? How will I know when my parcel has been delivered?

You’ll have already given your delivery location preference when you created your shipment. You will receive ane-mail with the address details and opening hours when the parcel is ready to be picked up at the location. Check our Track & Trace at www.homerr.com to see the latest status of your parcel.

  • Your parcel has been dropped off for dispatch: The parcel has been handed in at one of our locations.
  • Your parcel has been picked up by the carrier: The parcel has been picked up and is on its way to the sorting office.
  • Your parcel has arrived at our distribution centre: The parcel has arrived at our sorting centre and is being sorted.
  • Your parcel is on its way to your selected Homerr : The parcel is currently being transported to the pick-up location or is ready to be transported for the next delivery moment. As we do not deliver every day, this status may take several days.
  • Whoohoo! Your package has arrived and can be picked up: Package has been delivered. You have 14 days to pick up the package. Don't forget to bring your pickup code, you can find it in the mail or on track.homerr.com. Can't find your pickup code? Then bring your ID for verification.
1.6 How long does my parcel remain at the HomerrPoint to be picked up?

You obviously want to pick up your package as soon as possible. If you can't, that's of course no problem! A parcel remains at a HomerrPoint for 14 days, during this time you will receive 4 reminders by email to pick up your parcel. After that it is automatically returned to the HomerrPoint of the sender or the webshop. Unfortunately, we cannot change this.

Are you coming to pick up your package soon? Your HomerrPunt looks forward to seeing you, because packages are piling up fast.

1.7 What if my (usual) HomerrPoint is no longer visible on the locations map?

When your HomerrPoint is no longer visible on the map, it can have several reasons:

  • This HomerrPoint has reported a temporary absence.
  • The HomerrPoint is not (no longer) active.
  • The HomerrPoint has reached their total capacity, when packets are collected they will become visible again.

Did you choose this HomerrPoint to have your parcel delivered? Nothing to worry about. The parcel will automatically be delivered to the next nearest point. The recipient will receive an email with details of the new location.

1.8 What’s the maximum size I can ship? And what’s the maximum weight?

Parcels shipped via Homerr can have maximum dimensions of 80 cm x 35 cm x 35 cm and a maximum weight of 10 kg. Unfortunately, we have to refuse larger parcels. Homerr locations will not accept oversized parcels.

The maximum size of a parcel sent via the Vinted online shop is 40 cm x 25 cm x 15 cm with a weight of 2 kg.

1.9 Help, I can't track my order.

How annoying, it seems that the package is not linked correctly. Your best option is to contact our customer service department. In doing so, if you provide us with both the HMRQR code and the corresponding shipping receipt (0062 code) you received at the HomerrPoint, we can do our best to remotely repair this package.

2. Shipping via the Vinted online shop

2.1 I want to have my Vinted parcel shipped with Homerr. How does this work exactly?

How nice that you chose Homerr as your shipping method! When you close the sale in the Vinted App, you as the recipient can choose Homerr as your shipping option. You then select the Homerr location where you prefer your order to be delivered. The sender of the package then receives a unique QR code from Vinted. This code contains the recipient's details and delivery address. The sender of the package then takes this QR code and the package to a Homerr location near him/her.

2.2 I want to ship my Vinted parcel within the Netherlands. How does this work exactly?

As the sender of the package, you have received a unique QR code from the shop:

  1. Take your parcel to a Homerr location near you. This can be either a SocialPoint or a ServicePoint.
  2. On location, you show the image of the QR code on your phone. (Note: for foreign packages, you must have a printed label)
  3. You can use only 1 QR code per package.
  4. The Homerr scans your QR code (this contains the recipient's information) and then sticks and scans its own QR code sticker on your package. There is no need to write down your address details. However, we do recommend that you write the number sequence below the QR code on the package.
  5. The Homerr follows the correct steps in its app screen and gets a "Whoohoo" when the package is scanned in properly.
  6. You will receive an email confirmation of the shipment right away. Be sure to always check this at the location. It is your personal proof of shipment. In addition, you will receive a receipt from the Homerr with the 0062 code belonging to your package.
2.3 I want to send my Vinted parcel to France. How does this work exactly?

As the sender of the parcel, you will have received a form with a QR code from Vinted by email. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to ship to France without a printed shipping label.

1. Print the form and stick it onto your parcel. 

2. Take your parcel with the printed shipping label on it to a Homerr location (this can be either a SocialPoint or a ServicePoint). Vinted recommends you print the label twice and put a copy inside the parcel.

3. The Homerr scans the label with the Homerr QR code (this contains the recipient's information) and then scans the VintedGo QR code on your package.

4. The Homerr follows the correct steps in its app screen and gets a "Whoohoo" when the package is scanned in properly.

5. You will immediately receive an email confirmation of the shipment. Be sure to always check this at the location. It is your personal proof of shipment. So in this case, you will not receive a receipt with a 0062 code from the Homerr.

2.4 How can I track my order? How will I know when my parcel has been delivered?

You’ll have already given your delivery location preference when you created your shipment. You will receive ane-mail with the address details and opening hours when the parcel is ready to be picked up at the location. Check our Track & Trace at www.homerr.com to see the latest status of your parcel.

  • Your parcel has been dropped off for dispatch: The parcel has been handed in at one of our locations.
  • Your parcel has been picked up by the carrier: The parcel has been picked up and is on its way to the sorting office.
  • Your parcel has arrived at our distribution centre: The parcel has arrived at our sorting centre and is being sorted.
  • Your parcel is on its way to your selected Homerr: The parcel is currently being transported to the pick-up location or is ready to be transported for the next delivery moment. As we do not deliver every day, this status may take several days.
  • Your package has arrived and can be picked up: Package has been delivered. You have 14 days to pick up the package. Remember to bring your pickup code, you can find it in the mail or on track.homerr.com. Can't find your pickup code? Then bring your ID for verification.
2.5 I see in my Track & Trace that my parcel is on its way to France, or on its way from France to the Netherlands. Can I get more information about this?

Unfortunately, we have no insight into transport in France. This is because the transport there is handled by another transport company. For more information about statuses in France, please contact Vinted’s help desk. They’ll have the tracking status supplied by the French transport company.

2.6 How do I contact Vinted’s customer service?

Unfortunately, the webshop Vinted cannot be reached by phone. However, you can contact them through the VintedApp. Through the sales agreement in the Vinted App you will see a 'Help' button at the top right. If you select it, some questions will follow. Find if your question is listed here, if not, you can select a similar question and scroll all the way down. Here you will find an empty comment field, where you can describe the question or situation.

2.7 Can I return my Vinted parcel via Homerr?

Unfortunately, it is not (yet) possible to return a parcel you’ve received from Vinted. We advise you to contact Vinted’s customer service if you have questions about returning an item.

2.8 What dimensions can my parcel have? And what is the maximum weight of the shipment?

Parcels sent via Homerr can have a maximum size of 40 cm x 25 cm x 15 cm. Unfortunately, Homerr locations will refuse larger parcels. Parcels sent through Vinted cannot weigh more than 2 kg.

2.9 I did not receive a shipping confirmation in my email.

The shipping confirmation may have ended up in your unwanted inbox. As soon as your package has been delivered correctly, you will automatically receive a shipping confirmation e-mail. In the unlikely event that your package has not been delivered correctly, we advise you to visit the drop-off location again and return the package correctly and you will receive the shipping confirmation automatically.

Should it no longer be possible to deliver your package correctly and your package still went with the courier, we recommend that you contact our customer service. Then we can still see if your package can be remotely recovered using the HMRQR code and the 0062 code you received from the HomerrPoint.

2.10 My status has not changed for some time.

Unfortunately, something may have gone wrong with the shipping of your parcel. If your parcel’s Track & Trace status has been inactive for more than 14 days, we advise you to contact Vinted’s help desk. It is important that you report this to the online shop in question and ask for their approval to start an investigation into the parcel. This investigation is carried out by Vinted and Homerr. Vinted will provide us with the information we need to trace your parcel. Vinted will keep you informed about the investigation’s progress.

2.11 I have received my parcel, but the contents are not correct.

Very annoying of course. We ask you to contact the responsible shop. It is important to report to the responsible webshop before starting a parcel investigation. They will do everything possible to resolve this situation with you.

2.12 My QR code is not working, now what?

How annoying that the QR code is not working. We request you to contact Vinted's helpdesk for the proper solution.

For your information: QR codes from Vinted are valid for exactly 7 days (Note: from the time of creation).

3. Returning with Homerr

3.1 How do I return a parcel from an online shop via Homerr?

How nice that you chose to return your package in a sustainable way.

  1. Then go to the website of the respective shop and follow the instructions.
  2. After completing the details, you’ll receive a unique QR code by email. Please make sure that you enter the correct email address.
  3. You then drop off your package at a Homerr location near you. At location, you show the image of the QR code on your phone.
  4. The Homerr scans your QR code and then pastes and scans its own QR code sticker on your package.
  5. You will immediately receive an e-mail message with the shipment confirmation and code. Be sure to always check this at the location. It is your personal proof of shipment. In addition, you will receive a receipt with your 0062 code from the Homerr.
  6. Through the code, you can track the return on track.homerr.com.
  7. When the parcel has arrived at the online shop, you will receive a confirmation from the online shop.

3.2 Can I return my received package from Vinted through Homerr?

Unfortunately, it is not (yet) possible to return a parcel you’ve received from Vinted. We advise you to contact Vinted’s customer service if you have questions about returning an item.

4. Private shipping with Homerr

4.1 How does private shipping work?

On our website, you can send a private parcel using Homerr. You need to follow these steps:

  • Go to Send and choose the size of the parcel you want to send.
  • Choose whether you want to ship your package with track and trace code only or with additional insurance.
  • Next, enter the first name and last name of the recipient (this must match the data on ID).
  • Then enter the recipient's e-mail address and (optional) phone number.
  • Enter the recipient's zip code and select the Homerr location closest to, or the recipient's preference.
  • Then enter your own first name and last name.
  • Also enter your e-mail address and (optional) phone number. Without a (correct) e-mail address, we cannot send a QR code for shipment.
  • Agree to the terms and conditions.
  • Pay with Visa, Eurocard or iDEAL.
  • You will receive your QR code by email. Note: There is a delay, it may take up to 15 minutes before you receive your QR code in the mail.

4.2 How and where do I hand in my private consignment?

As the sender of the package, you have received a unique QR code by email from us:

  1. Drop off your parcel at a HomerrPoint near you.
  2. On location, you show the image of the QR code on your phone. 
  3. The Homerr scans your QR code (this contains the recipient's information) and then sticks and scans its own QR code sticker on your package. Writing down address information is therefore not necessary. Just write down the last 6 digits of the number sequence that is under the QR code on your package.
  4. The Homerr follows the correct steps in its app screen and gets a "Whoohoo" when the package is scanned in properly.
  5. You will receive an email confirmation of the shipment right away. Be sure to always check this at the location. It is your personal proof of shipment. In addition, you will receive a receipt from the Homerr with the 0062 code belonging to your package.
4.3 How can I track my shipment? How will I know if my parcel has been delivered?

You’ll have already given your delivery location preference when you created your shipment. The recipient will receive an e-mail with the address details and opening hours when the parcel is ready to be picked up at the location. Check our Track & Trace at www.homerr.com to see the latest status of your parcel.

  • Your package has been delivered for shipment: The package has been returned to one of our locations.
  • Your package has been picked up by the carrier: The package has been picked up and is on its way to the sorting center.
  • Your package has arrived at our distribution center: The package has arrived at our sorting center and is being sorted.
  • Your parcel is on its way to your selected Homerr : The parcel is currently being transported to the pick-up location or is ready to be transported for the next delivery moment. As we do not deliver every day and do not work at night, this status may take several days.
4.4 How long does sending with Homerr take?

Homerr is a sustainable and socially based network. We believe that parcel delivery can be done smarter and more sustainably. That is why we make use of existing shipping journeys and the unused capacity of carriers. This saves up to 79% in CO2 emissions and takes a lot of traffic off the road. Next-day delivery is a huge burden on the environment, and it’s often unnecessary.

Homerr’s average delivery time is 3 to 5 working days, depending on whether you’re sending a return parcel or from one HomerrPoint to another. Couriers visit our HomerrPoints several times a week to pick up and deliver parcels. To save on CO2 emissions, we don’t do this every day.

4.5 What’s the maximum size I can ship?

Parcels shipped via Homerr can have maximum dimensions of 80 cm x 35 cm x 35 cm. Unfortunately, larger parcels will be refused by the HomerrPoints.

For private shipments, you have a choice of three sizes:

Small maximum 40x27x10cm and maximum 3 kg.

Average maximum 50x35x15cm and maximum 5 kg.

Large maximum 80x35x35cm and maximum 10 kg.

4.6 I did not receive the label with the QR code in my mailbox after paying for a shipping label.

There is a slight delay in receiving your QR code, it may take up to about 15 minutes for you to receive the QR code. Have you already looked in your junk mailbox? Maybe it ended up there. If not, please contact customer service and provide us with the following information:

- Sender data (name - e-mail address).

- Recipient data (name - e-mail address).

- Amortization of payment.

4.7 My status has not changed for some time.

Something may have gone wrong with the sending of your parcel. For more information, please contact our customer service.

4.8 I have received my parcel, but the contents are not correct.

How annoying, we request that you contact the sender of the package. Perhaps he or she swapped the contents with another package. Unfortunately we cannot be responsible for the contents of a package. If the sender indicates that it is indeed not correct, please contact our customer service.

4.9 My parcel has been on the road for some time, and my Track & Trace status remains unchanged.

We’re very sorry to hear that your parcel hasn’t arrived at the correct location. For more information, please contact our customer service.

4.10 I have chosen the wrong delivery location, or I want to change the delivery address during the shipment. Is that possible?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to change delivery details when the shipment is already underway.

4.11 My QR code is not working, now what?

How annoying, the best thing to do is to email your received QR code and image to us, we will see how to fix it.

4.12 Can I cancel my shipping label?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to cancel your shipping label. The received label is valid for 30 days. You can possibly use it for a next shipment to that recipient. In exceptional cases we can refund this amount, for this please contact our customer service.

5. Corona measures for HomerrPoints

5.1 What does the lockdown mean for our Social- and ServicePoints?

All of our private SocialPoints are considered essential by the government and may remain open. An essential Homerr ServicePoint (such as a supermarket, pet store, drugstore or optician) is still open (until 8pm max).

A non-essential ServicePoint has an additional measure, that online orders may be picked up and returned until 5 p.m. (click and collect). This means that these ServicePoints may remain open as parcel points.

We are currently mapping which locations, despite the additional measures, still decided to close temporarily. We will soon remove these locations from our live map, so it is clear to you which locations are open. 

5.2 I want to send/order something and have it delivered through Homerr, is this possible?

Yes, our website has an up-to-date list of locations that are open. Perhaps your HomerrPoint is temporarily not visible on our map and currently closed, so the distance might be just a bit further than desired. We ask for your understanding in this situation.

5.3 My parcel is on its way or being sorted, but the selected HomerrPoint is not visible on the map. What will happen to my parcel?

Unfortunately, the location will then be temporarily closed due to current lockdown measures. Your parcel will be offered to a nearby alternative location. In some areas, this will be a little further than you are used to from us. You will of course receive a notification (by e-mail) when your parcel has been delivered with the address details.

5.4 My parcel has already arrived at the HomerrPoint, but the location is closed.

Closed locations are no longer accepting new parcels. In the unlikely event that your parcel is still there, all parcels will be picked up there this week to be taken to an alternative location. You will of course be notified when your parcel has been delivered to this location with the address details.

5.5 After 14 days, normally the collection period of my parcel expires. Currently, the location is closed, does the collection period now expire and does my parcel go back?

All parcels currently affected by the lockdown will be delivered later and will have a longer pickup time. Please always inform the respective webshop about the situation.

5.6 Can I change my delivery address if an order is already in transit?

No, unfortunately this is not possible. In case the HomerrPoint is closed, we will look for alternative location to deliver your parcel. You will receive an automatic notification (e-mail) when your parcel has arrived at the alternative location.

5.7 I have dropped off my parcel (return) at a location for shipment, will it still be shipped?

Yes, the locations visible on our map are visited by our couriers for pickup and delivery of parcels. Parcels that are at a location that is closed unexpectedly will still be picked up and processed.


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