Find a HomerrPoint



A regular Homerr customer - SocialPoint Lena


SocialPoints are individuals who make their homes available as pick-up points. Some of them work from their home office; some of them are people who are simply at home a lot and are able to accept parcels for their neighbours. SocialPoints can set their own opening hours, which means opening hours can vary. They are frequently open after office hours, which makes it easier for you to pick up your parcels.


A look at the ServicePoint of Bicycle Dealer and Key Service


ServicePoints are local businesses in retail and hospitality, such as coffee shops or bakeries. ServicePoints have fixed opening hours and the widest opening hours in the area. ServicePoints give customers the opportunity to pick up their parcels while visiting their favourite local shop.

Neighborhood Hubs

Our network

Our SocialPoints and ServicePoints form the fastest-growing pick-up and drop-off network in the Benelux. But maybe we’ve overlooked an area. Are you missing a HomerrPoint in your neighbourhood? Let us know and help us grow our sustainable network.

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